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What Separates Top Performing Salespeople From Average Salespeople? (Ep. 217)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Dec 4, 2019 2:49:00 AM


If you gave two salespeople the same script, product, and territory...why is one able to crush their sales goal while the other struggles to hit their quota?

What’s the real problem that separates top performers from the “average sales dude?” (Hint: it’s not skill or talent, although those factors do matter at a certain point).

Dan Lier, a two-time collegiate basketball national champion and sales training expert, explains that the underlying problem keeping salespeople stuck is their psychology, or belief system.

Every salesperson knows what activities they need to be doing — prospecting, presenting, and following up — but it’s their psychology that keeps them from doing it. When you fix this, everything changes.

In this episode, Dan and I unravel this concept even further and share some tips on improving your belief system and self-image. Plus, Jordan Herelle, a rockstar member of the WireBuzz Digital Strategy team, chimes in with his unique perspective on staying motivated.

Maybe you’re working through some inner-beliefs that are holding you back in your life and career. Or maybe you want to better understand the worldview of a top performer so that you can copy how they think. You’ll get all that and more in this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • What separates a “quota crusher” from an average sales dude
  • The mindset of a top performer vs. the mindset of an average performer
  • How to stay motivated after you hit your goals
  • How Dan transferred his success as a college basketball player to sales

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