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What Marketers Can Learn from the Navy's Video Recruiting Strategy (Ep. 174)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Sep 20, 2018 10:25:00 PM


"The Few, The Proud, The Marines."
"Be All That You Can Be."
"America's Navy — A Global Force for Good."

We've all seen recruiting advertisements for the US Marines, Army, and Navy, but how often do you see their ads outside of television?

Not very often, right?

Historically, these military branches have spent up to 70% of their marketing budget on television commercials...

...but that's all about to change.

After years of sticking to traditional advertising channels, the Navy tested a new video campaign on YouTube...

...and the results were "blockbuster."

The ad campaign did so well that the Navy is going to spend 70% of their advertising budget online instead of on television!

It's a big win for the Navy, but what lessons can YOU learn from their success?

Similar to how every great military mission starts with the end goal in mind, at WireBuzz, we always start with strategy... and that's exactly what the Navy did.

They defined their target audience, identified where they hung out online, and created hyper-relevant ads that commanded attention and increased engagement

If you want to hear the full breakdown of this campaign, plus the latest news in digital marketing, then tune into this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

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