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Why 71% of Marketers Are Increasing Their Video Budgets (Ep. 33)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jul 26, 2016 2:38:00 AM


Video is effective — 91% of companies already using video marketing agree.

Furthermore, 71% of marketers have plans to increase their video budget.

And honestly, we’re not surprised.

We know that video maintains attention, increases memory recall, and builds trust with viewers. It improves discoverability in search engines, and major social media sites are now prioritizing video to keep users engaged.

So to marketers, making more room in the budget for video creation makes a lot of sense.

That being said, how can you use video in a way that will guarantee ROI?

Sure, if you already have a large audience, you’ll see returns, and pretty quickly at that.

But what if you’re a small business that can’t afford to play the long game?

In this episode, Todd speaks from the perspective of a small business owner. Sharing some of the significant lessons he’s learned while using video to grow his company, he’ll show you why video really is worth the investment.

Get the episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/2au4Gtg

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • News Update: Unilever purchased viral video marketing poster child, Dollar Shave Club, for $1 Billion
  • News Update: Twitter made another live video deal, this time with the Pac 12 Network   yet another example of traditional news needing new media
  • WireBuzz filmed a Facebook live event, generating 18,000 views, 200 shares, and a ton of engagement in the first 48 hours — hear Todd’s tip for your next live streaming event
  • Why marketers are increasing their video budgets
  • What types of videos are most useful when you have a small target audience
  • What tactics Todd used to continually double WireBuzz’s annual revenue
  • How to use video in email campaigns to optimize your process
  • How video will help you get more inbound links to your website
  • Why video improves your search ranking by doubling your audience’s time on page
  • Why you should upload your videos directly onto social media sites
  • How to make Google’s indexing algorithms work in your favor
  • Why video vastly improves memory recall (and why this should matter to marketers)
  • Why you should never devote yourself to any single content format — including video

[youtube id="uxF14aiEUAI&list=PLqh_uxrDaMHacGXJ0wSgFxWJ7cDHjSL0x" align="right" mode="normal" autoplay="no" maxwidth="600" grow="no"]

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