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Why We're Excited About HubSpot Video (Ep. 189)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Feb 19, 2019 1:48:00 AM


We already know that video is the most compelling content form, but many businesses still struggle with using video in their sales and marketing strategies.

Imagine if there was a tool that made everything easier…

Introducing HubSpot video.

HubSpot Video lets you add interactive forms to your videos, integrate with Zoom for 1on1 video, and sync YouTube data into your HubSpot analytics.

They’ve also partnered with Vidyard, which positions marketers to host and manage video on HubSpot and embed those videos across their website, blogs, and social channels.

Plus, sales teams can use it to create personalized videos with prospects and track analytics inside the HubSpot CRM.

To give you a more complete overview of HubSpot Video, I’ve invited Marcus Andrews to the podcast.

He is the Principal Product Marketing Manager at HubSpot, and he’s going to share how you to use HubSpot Video in conjunction with Vidyard to build powerful video marketing strategies.

(Sidenote: Marcus recorded a free webinar, “The “Videoification” of HubSpot: How to Power a Modern Video Strategy,” which you can watch here).

We also have a private discussion about it inside of our WireBuzz Insider Facebook group, which you can join for free.

So if you want to learn how you can have better video analytics, better video tools for your marketing team, and better 1on1 video solutions for your sales team, tune into this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • What is HubSpot video?
  • Why you’re missing out on opportunity if you’re only using video in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey
  • How HubSpot Video integrates with Vidyard and why that gives sales teams and marketer teams a major advantage
  • How to use video in to enhance your post-sale experience (case study)

Links & Resources

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