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What Sales Will Look Like After Quarantine (Ep. 233)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Apr 29, 2020 3:25:18 PM


Buyers have always controlled the sales process. Now they have even more control because of on-demand content. 

And since 82% of buyers don’t want to talk to a sales rep until they are ready to buy, we have to change the way we sell. Businesses that adapt how they sell now will be better positioned when quarantine is over. But those who follow the old rules of selling will fall behind.

At WireBuzz, we’re sending more personalized videos to prospects and publishing educational content on LinkedIn. This has helped grow our audience, book more meetings, and capitalize on remote-selling.  

So in this episode I’ve asked leading sales experts to share what they’re doing to personalize the sales process and close more deals. My friend, Dan Lier, joins us on the podcast. I’ll also share a soundbite from a client rallying his sales team around this new opportunity. Then I’m going to take you 90 days into the future to China, where the CEO of a logistics company gives us his insight into what “the new normal” looks like.

If you want to know what leading sales experts are doing differently to combat the effects of the pandemic, plus an insider look into the future of business after quarantine, tune into this episode of Video Marketing Mastery.

If you like the show, please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes. You’d really be helping me out!

NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to get personal and close more deals using Zoom
  • That using video conferencing can make you more productive 
  • Why personal videos help your prospects reach buying decisions
  • How business has changed in China and what we can expect here

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