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How to Use Video to Set Up Your First Client Meeting (Ep. 136)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jan 17, 2018 7:31:00 AM


Have you ever brought a buddy to a conference so you could avoid awkwardly introducing yourself to people? Why not use the same tactic to introduce yourself to potential clients before your first face-to-face meeting.

Only this time, your buddy is a video that positions you as the ‘guru’ their business has been desperately searching for. 

Let’s back up for a second. You need to understand that your prospects don’t read, they want things explained to them succinctly and visually.

If you want to get your message across to your target audience, traditional marketing methods just won’t work anymore. Only 18% of buyers are even willing to talk to a salesperson until they’re ready to buy.

So, how do you transfer the information from your salespeople (who they don’t want to talk to) into the heads of your prospects?

Videos. And probably more than one.

If you’re ready to tell your story to prospects and move them through your sales cycle faster using video, then tune into this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

Links & Resources

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