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How to Turn Customers Into Your Marketing Army, with Jay Baer (Ep. 166)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jul 20, 2018 10:01:00 PM


Every business cares about word of mouth marketing because it’s the most effective form of business growth.

The problem lies in the fact that very few businesses have a strategy for it. They just assume, “oh, our customers will talk about us if we give them a great experience.

But will they?

And if they do, what story are they telling?

My guest on the podcast is marketing expert, Jay Baer. Together, we talk about his new book, Talk Triggers: The Complete Guide to Creating Customers with Word of Mouth.

A Talk Trigger is something that you do in the operations of your business that your customers notice and tell each other about, essentially turning your buyers into volunteer marketers.

For example, the DoubleTree hotel gives away a free chocolate chip cookie to all of their customers. At WireBuzz, we give all the behind-the-scenes photos to our clients the morning after the shoot.

These little personal touches result in your customers buzzing about your brand to their friends, leaving raving reviews online, and causing a positive avalanche of publicity for your business.

Does your business have a Talk Trigger? If not, listen to this episode and discover how you can identify relevant Talk Triggers that will turn your customers into your marketing army!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why being competent is not enough to generate word of mouth business
  • The 5 different types of Talk Triggers and how to use them
  • How the DoubleTree hotel gets 38% of their customers to proactively mention their brand to someone else
  • How to test your Talk Trigger and measure their profitability
  • How a restaurant in Portugal used sardines as their Talk Trigger
  • How Cheesecake Factory spends 5x less in advertising than their competitors
  • Why Talk Triggers must be aligned with operations
  • The 2 ways Talk Triggers stop working
  • How to reverse engineer your Talk Triggers instead of creating them from scratch

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