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How To Use Video To Start Making Money Immediately (Ep. 244)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jul 23, 2020 4:38:15 PM


Times are tough and generating ROI immediately might seem like a daunting task, but I have a few easy (and inexpensive) video techniques that can start generating you money FAST!

In fact, 4 days after my last Tony Robbins Business Mastery webinar, attendees were already closing new deals using my video tips. They are CRUSHING IT.

These are some of my favorite tactics because when I see red flags, I use video to provide massive clarity to the prospect AND I can use them throughout the entire sales process.

Use these techniques anytime your prospect needs:

  • An important question answered
  • A key decision maker brought up to speed
  • A proposal to review before signing off on your project
  • OR whenever you think your prospect isn't smart enough...

When you create personalized videos you’ll discover people will buy from you at faster and faster rates. You will be moving prospects through the sales funnel before you know it!

This week on Video Marketing Mastery, I go in depth on why, when, and how you should use these simple video techniques. I’ll also give you some tips on how to start creating these videos using what you already have so you can start making money now.

Get ready to take some notes because I’m here to give you massive value so you can start pumping leads through the sales funnel and closing deals faster today.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Video tips that will make you money immediately
  • How to move your prospects through the sales funnel
  • Technology that will help you spy on prospects
  • How to close deals with "show and tell videos"
  • How to identify red flags and take action using video

Links & Resources

  • Using Video to Achieve Business Mastery: 4 Zones of Influence (Ep. 234)
  • Check out the WireBuzz remote sales page to see how we’re using video
  • Follow Todd and tell him you’re listening to the podcast on Linkedin
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here

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If you have any questions you’d like featured on the show, or if you would like to suggest an expert (yourself included!), please let us know HERE.


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