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How Branding and Direct Response are Converging (Ep. 196)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Apr 9, 2019 2:03:00 AM


Digital Ads are everywhere — you can run from them but you can’t hide. They always have a way of finding you, whether that’s through social media or various video platforms.

And the worst part about them is that they disrupt whatever you were in the middle of doing. But smart brands are wising up and creating ads that are less intrusive (and more digestible).

Take Bud Light for example. Over the last year, they’ve been more strategic with their advertising, using storytelling principles to draw in their audience and to position themselves against their core competitors.

In their recent Super Bowl Commercial, they created stereotyped characters to poke fun at Miller Light and Coors Light, plus called out that they both use corn syrup in their beer (shots fired!).  

So what can we learn from this? Well, traditionally there used to be two camps: branding and direct response. The goal of branding teams was to generate awareness for their product or service, and the goal of direct response teams was to get people to take desired measurable action.

In this week’s episode, we sit down with Marcus Krieg, President of WireBuzz, and talk about why those two teams are slowly converging into one.

So grab a beer (choose wisely) and let’s dig deeper into this trend in this week’s Video Marketing Mastery!

In case you missed the first two episodes of this series, you can find the links to those in the Links & Resources section below.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why marketers are leaving Facebook and headed to YouTube (And you should too)
  • How branding and direct response are converging into one
  • How TV ads are becoming more strategic with their messaging
  • The importance of a bigger reach and why you can’t keep going viral

Links & Resources

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