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The 5 Types of Videos Every Business Needs (Ep. 83)

by TODD HARTLEY, on May 9, 2017 10:38:00 PM


Not sure where to get started with video?

With all the options, it can be challenging to decide which types of videos to prioritize first.

At WireBuzz, our framework for ROI is predicated on choosing smart topics and ensuring they get enough exposure.

Free Bonus: Discover how to create videos that generate ROI with this free, 5-part video course. Click here for instant access!

Fortunately, there are 4 types of videos that offer those specific benefits, and another type of video that’s practically free (which means the ROI is quite high). These are the 5 essential videos that every business needs, even if you’re just getting started.

So if you’re committed to creating videos that generate ROI, then you’ll be wise to start with one of the recommendations below.

Listen to this week's podcast episode (or keep reading) to learn about the 5 types of videos every business needs in their sales and marketing arsenal!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

1) Explainer Videos

For clients that are new to video marketing, the first thing that we recommend they create is an explainer video.


Because it’s one of the most versatile and effective videos you can have. The main purpose of an explainer video is to deliver the most important information about your business in a clear and concise way.

The primary goal of an explainer video is to teach your prospects what you do, who you help, and what value your business brings to the table. Once you’ve created a video of this type, it can be used on your website’s homepage, in email or ad campaigns, and more.

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2) Testimonial Videos

There are few things more powerful or flexible than a story. And that’s why 89% of marketers cite testimonials as the type of content with the highest ROI!

A well-organized story testimonial works in a number of ways:

  • Provides social proof
  • Demonstrates your value proposition
  • Elicits strong emotions

But before you approach your next customer and ask them to endorse you in front of a camera, you should know that creating a strong testimonial video requires a little more planning on your part.

Don’t rely on your customer to do all the work! Ask them specific questions to elicit the kind of responses you can use to craft a compelling story.

Want to see a great testimonial in action? Take a look at the example below!

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3) Demand Gen Videos

Before you can make a sale, your target market needs to be aware of the problem your product or service solves. Without demand, nobody cares about what you are supplying…

Makes sense, right?

Often, businesses focus their sales and marketing on prospects that are aware of the problem and have already identified their solution. But once they’ve created content to appeal to that first group of buyers, they don’t bother to appeal to the rest of their potential market.

In addition to targeting “problem-aware” buyers, you need to account for those prospects who don’t yet realize they have a problem that needs to be solved. Oftentimes, that’s a much larger market!

And that’s not to mention the effect Demand Gen videos have on increasing the “priority level” of your offer. For example, you might already know that you need something for your business, but you won’t take action on solving that problem until it climbs up your priority list.

Because demand gen videos are focused on widening the gap between the world you live in today and the world you want to live in, they help attach powerful emotions to your solution. And emotion is how people make prioritization decisions (Source: Harvard).

To learn how to use demand gen videos to move your prospects toward a purchase, listen to Kristopher’s explanation in the podcast and take a look at the example below.

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4) Features & Benefits Videos

If you had 4 hours to sit down with a prospect and walk them through all the information they needed to buy your product, you’d probably get the sale, right?

For most businesses, effective selling ultimately boils down to transferring what you know about your product to your prospects. If they knew what you knew, your solution would be a no-brainer!

Unfortunately, only 19% of buyers want to sit down with your salesperson before they’re ready to pull the trigger. That means 81% of your prospects would prefer to research your solution on their own.

But that creates an entirely new problem: how do you put that much information on your website?

You see, the average 2min video can communicate somewhere between 300-400 words of information. If your brand team is smart, they’ll never let you write that much about just one feature or benefit...

Not only does it make your website look intimidating, but nobody is going to read all that anyway.

Instead, put all of that information into a short video (or series of videos), so you can deliver more of your essential product information, without making your website look like a Charles Dickens novel!

Want to see an example of a features and benefits video? Take a look below!

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5) Live Social Video

Unlike the rest of the videos on this list, Live video gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience without the expectation of perfection.

Going live gives you the chance to use video to speak with your prospects directly. Plus, they’re low-cost and tend to hold attention longer than other types of videos. That means you can create an opportunity to create relationships at scale, but without burning through your budget!

I’m sure you’ve seen them all over Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms, but if you still need an example, I’ve included a recent Facebook Live video below!

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If you’re going to make videos for your business, make sure they’re strategic and effective before you put your production into motion. Even if you’re planning a live social video, you’re still investing time and energy into video, so make sure it’s worthwhile.


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