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Video Prospecting - How to Stand Out & Drive Leads In (Ep. 283)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Oct 15, 2020 2:48:00 PM

40% of sales reps say that prospecting is the hardest part of the sales process. AND reps report that 21% of their day is spent writing cold emails - what a time suck.

The good news is that less than half of sales teams report using video as part of prospecting...now THAT'S what I call a COMPETITIVE EDGE!

There’s an art to ice-breaking in this new remote selling world. So, in this episode I explain how to use personalized video to generate more leads into your funnel, nurture and close them. And it’s not hard if you follow my steps. 

Just pick up your cell phone, record a quick video, introduce yourself, provide relevant value and demonstrate your willingness to be helpful. 

You can use personalized videos in emails, social media, and text messages, but the trick is to always add value into their universe first. 

I also dive into an awesome article by Vidyard that touches on all the basics of video prospecting. I’ll talk about how to use video, how to eliminate time sucking emails, and how to write a good script. 

Using video to ice-break new prospects will help you PUMP UP THE JAM in no time. Click play to find out how.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to use video to break the ice with prospects
  • Why you should add value to your prospect before pitching them
  • Where to send personalized videos to your prospects
  • How to write a good script for your videos

Links & Resources

  • Video prospecting 101: How to take prospecting from cold to BOLD
  • Check out the WireBuzz remote sales page to see how we’re using video
  • Follow me on LinkedIn and let me know you heard the podcast!
  • Get our Free Video Marketing ROI course here

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