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Why Finalizing Video Proofs on Mobile Devices Is Important in 2018 (Ep.133)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jan 10, 2018 7:24:00 AM


A new year needs a new marketing plan, right?

And 2018 is going to be the year of the mobile device.

You’re probably already limiting the devices you carry around with you, and with the invention of the smartphone, you hardly need to carry around your camera anymore.

I’m betting you already use your phone to check your emails, and post on social media.

Heck, there’s a good chance that you’re reading this post on your phone, too.

But have you considered the value of ensuring your website videos are smartphone friendly?

Take a moment, wherever you are, and look around. How many people near you are glued to their phone right now? If you’re not capturing that audience with your video content, you’re missing out on valuable sales.

And you will continue to miss out on those sales unless you start ensuring that each video you make looks enticing and easy to read on mobile devices.

We are charging rapidly towards a one device life and if you aren’t prepared for it, you’ll be left behind. This episode of Video Marketing Mastery will give you some actionable steps to ensure you’re leading the one device life parade.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

Links & Resources

  • Q3 217 Global Index Video Mobile Device Video statistics
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here
  • Pitch us a question that we can answer in a future podcast episode
  • See what a @WireBuzz production looks like by following our crew across the country on Instagram

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