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How to Track Video Marketing ROI (Ep. 190)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Feb 27, 2019 1:50:00 AM


Video has many superpowers; one of them being clarity.

If you have a complicated product or service, video can help your audience follow along and understand your message without being overwhelmed by the technical gobbledygook.

Take Marketo for example.

Marketo is a full-stack marketing suite that does a lot of things — from lead management to marketing automation to mobile marketing.

Before they added video to their sales process, they relied on white papers to educate their audience.

White papers can be extremely valuable if they are written well, but asking someone to read a 3,000-5,000 word guide can be a big ask.

That’s why Marketo started using 4-minute video demos...

..and after analyzing the data, they discovered their video demos were outperforming their white papers by 6x!

Do you think this improved their lead-scoring?


Not only that, but they are able to connect video views to ROI (which is a common challenge for marketers).

How did they do it?

I’ve invited Paulo Martins to the show to spill the beans. He is the Head of Global Marketing at Marketo, and he’s going to reveal how he can spend $1 on video and make back $5.

Having tangible data like this makes it easy to prove to company stakeholders that video marketing deserves a bigger budget!

(Sidenote: Paulo recorded a free webinar showing how to achieve MORE with LESS using video for demand generation, which you can watch here).

We also have a private discussion about it inside of our WireBuzz Insider Facebook group, which you can join for free.

So if you want to learn how to track the ROI of your video marketing, tune into this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

If you like the show, please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes. You’d really be helping me out!

NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why Marketo never passes a new lead directly through to their sales team.
  • How Marketo lets new leads “choose their own adventure” on their landing pages.
  • Why did Marketing land on 4-minute demo videos, instead of a shorter or longer length?
  • The tool that Marketo uses to track viewing behavior so they can improve their lead scoring process and tie it back to ROI.
  • What Marketo’s working on next.

Links & Resources

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