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4 Strategic Ways to Grow Your Business With Video (Ep. 46)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Oct 25, 2016 6:33:00 AM


By now, you know that a strategic business video is an investment. Even when you’re doing everything in-house, it’s still going to take more time, money, and resources than other forms of content.

So naturally, you want to be sure you’re going to get a return.

The good news is, with the right video content, your one-time investment in video can translate into long-term business growth.

If you focus on on creating evergreen video content, you can use those videos for years to come, and often in multiple ways.

For example, a home page explainer video can help your website sell more effectively and help your sales team engage with new prospects via direct sales outreach.

Curious about other ways video can help you directly increase revenue? Then you don’t want to miss this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

Free Bonus: Discover how to create videos that generate ROI with this free, 5-part video course. Click here for instant access!

Get the episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/2fgD3IP

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or Download this episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How WireBuzz is helping 23andMe create videos in Vancouver
  • About my experience at the grand opening of UofA’s new Salt Center facilities
  • Why you need to add a product explainer video to your homepage
  • The importance of converting your sales enablement content into videos
  • How to use demand gen videos to convert prospects
  • Why you should be using video to educate and train your sales team
  • How video affects your website’s Time on Page
  • The best place to add video on your homepage
  • Why your prospects don’t respond as well to text-based content as they do to video
  • How video decreases the amount of time your sales reps spend trying to convert a lead
  • How video significantly decreased WireBuzz’s sales cycle
  • How to increase the efficiency of your business with video
  • The 3 stages of a successful video project

Links & Resources

Wendy and I at the SALT Center's ribbon cutting ceremony:

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In line to get my favorite dessert at Diddy Riese:


The view from my window in Vancouver:

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The WireBuzz team having some fun in Canada: 

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