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Using Storytelling and Vulnerability in Video to Make Sales (Ep. 228)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Mar 25, 2020 2:36:16 PM


You’ve probably heard the phrase, “people buy based on emotion but justify their purchase with logic.” Every marketer and salesperson touts that message because neuroscience has proven it to be true.

But HOW do you create those emotions? HOW do you shift your prospect into an emotional state so they feel compelled to buy your product or service? 

That’s where the rubber meets the road. Without knowing the HOW, you won’t be able to implement this tangibly in your business.

So what’s the secret sauce to creating emotionally-charged prospects who are ready to buy?


People have been connecting through stories since the beginning of time, and when you’re able to tell stories on video, your trustworthiness and influence is amplified. 

Marley Jaxx, social media and video marketing expert, joins me on the podcast to discuss how to tell stories and be vulnerable on video. We share examples of using stories in a business context to connect emotionally with prospects, gain their trust, and influence them to buy.

Your stories matter. So if you want to learn how you can leverage your stories to make more sales, listen to this week’s episode of Video Marketing Mastery.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to leverage thought leadership in video to become more visible
  • Tips and tricks on how to be vulnerable in your storytelling
  • How to convert people from your social media pages to your website
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs by addressing pain points
  • How to get started leveraging video for your business

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