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Why 3,600+ Stores are Closing in 2017 (Ep. 92)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 7, 2017 11:20:00 PM


Remember when you actually had to get in your car and drive across town to go shopping?

And if they didn’t have what you needed, you’d have to get in your car again and to go another location.

Or worse — the retailer would need to order the item you needed. Then you’d have to wait weeks for your shipment to come in so that you can go back to the store AGAIN and pick it up.

But then Amazon came along, and made our lives a whole lot more convenient.

Which is why it’s no surprise that shopping malls and brick-and-mortar retail stores will soon be a thing of the past.

One by one, superstores and luxury brands alike are closing their doors to offset poor earnings.

And only a few businesses that sensed a market shift early on have been able to adapt.

Like some of the most successful brands today, you need to recognize the shifts in consumer demands, no matter what industry you’re in.

But in order to do that, you need to be aware of what’s happening around you. That’s why I collect the latest news in video marketing every week! Listen to this episode to find out what YouTube, Apple, and JetBlue are doing to move forward to a changing world.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Which metric YouTube is improving for advertisers
  • Where the WireBuzz team was this week
  • Why watch time matters on YouTube
  • The dangers of selfie culture
  • Why you might no longer need a boarding pass for your next flight with JetBlue
  • What was recently leaked about the iPhone 8
  • How I used my investigative reporting background to learn where these Apple product leaks come from
  • Why Michael Kors is closing more than 100 stores throughout the US
  • Why shopping malls and retail stores have a dismal future
  • How to reduce your website’s bounce rate

Links & Resources

We're all pretty excited about adding some new awards on the shelf!

Look at Ashlyn at work in the lab!

See the WireBuzz crew doing a shoot at the aviation museum!

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