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How SMARKETING with Video Supercharges Your Sales Process (Ep. 10)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Mar 1, 2016 11:44:00 PM


Are your sales and marketing teams still siloed?

If so, you don’t want to miss this episode of Video Marketing Mastery. In it, I interview HubSpot’s Director of Sales, Dan Tyre, and we talk about how the buying process has changed and why savvy businesses are aligning their sales and marketing teams.

Dan calls it “SMARKETING” and it’s all about making your sales and marketing teams more efficient and streamlined, so you can grow your business more quickly.

You’ll also learn how video fits into the SMARKETING process and can give your sales and marketing team unique insights into what each of the leads in your CRM really care about, so your sales team can follow up with “the right message at the right time, without being pushy.”

Download this episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/1UyA5MP

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why siloing sales and marketing is an old-school way of thinking about the sales process and how combining the two is the 21st-century way to grow your business. Dan calls this “SMARKETING”
  • The percentage of the sales process that happens before a prospect speaks with a salesperson (65-80%) and why that means you should focus more on marketing than in the past
  • Why you need a strong marketing executive, video team, and content writers to do SMARKETING right
  • How Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) differ from Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) and how your sales team should treat each of them
  • How tools like HubSpot can provide lead-level insights into which pieces of content your prospects are consuming
  • Why HubSpot is now providing a free CRM for any business that needs one
  • How video fits into the inbound sales process and how it gives you amazing insights into what your prospects are interested in
  • Why people prefer videos over text when using mobile devices (56% of all web traffic is mobile)

Links & Resources

WireBuzz’s HubSpot + Video Case Study

[youtube id="6tQpbT_3OqE" align="left" maxwidth="600"]

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