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Lessons Learned from Producing a Video Series with Mark Traphagen (Ep. 91)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 6, 2017 11:18:00 PM


So, you’ve decided to start a weekly video series.

You work hard to keep your content consistent, and you’re doing your best to improve the quality of your videos…

But after a while, you come up against some roadblocks. You notice that your new videos aren’t getting the level of engagement that they used to, and you’re not gaining as many subscribers.

How do you identify the topics your audience is most interested, avoid running out of ideas, and prevent a growth plateau?

At some point in time, most content creators are going to run into at least one (if not all) of these problems. And failing to find a solution can mean a dwindling audience.

Or worse — the demise of your series.

All of that time and hard work could amount to nothing if you can’t maintain momentum.

But the good news is, you probably already have all the tools to improve your video series at your fingertips!

You just need to know how to use them correctly.

And to point you in the right direction, I’ve invited Mark Traphagen — Senior Director of Brand Evangelism at Stone Temple Consulting and star of the “Here’s Why” video series — to explain how.

After 121 videos and counting, Mark and the Stone Temple team have used analytics to maintain the momentum of their video series and grow their business, and he explains how in this podcast episode.  

So tune in to hear Mark’s insights on producing a long-term video series!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why Stone Temple Consulting started the “Here’s Why” digital marketing video series
  • How their videos evolved from Google Hangouts to a YouTube Channel
  • Why a video series isn’t a quick marketing fix
  • How to use video to educate prospects before they ever meet your sales rep
  • Why topic variation is important
  • How Mark’s team uses analytics to improve their content
  • Why the search function on your website is more important than you might think
  • How to make your business’s videos more interesting
  • How the Stone Temple scene avoids plateauing

Links & Resources

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