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New Google Research: What Customers Expect From Your Website (Ep. 338)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Dec 23, 2020 6:13:55 PM

For years, I’ve been preparing you to position your business to meet your customer’s expectations.

Reason: Today’s consumers expect every business to provide key information in a certain way and to prove this point, Google just released some very interesting data.

According to a ThinkWithGoogle article, “As customers shop more across digital platforms, they’re confidently demanding an end-to-end experience that rises to their expectations.”

I was just shopping online for a WireBuzz Secret Santa gift and after I made the online purchase, my order confirmation told me:

“We expect to have your online order ready in 5-15 business days.  We do work ahead when we can, and will notify you when it is good to go! Thanks for the business!”

What do you mean thanks? You’ll never get my business again! 

Why? Because you didn’t meet my basic expectations when purchasing something online. 

The big takeaway is businesses need to learn from Netflix. 

Netflix (regardless of industry) is crushing it because they’re exceeding customer expectations. And it doesn’t matter what industry you are in. Why? Because the expectations are the needs of your customers, not the needs of your industry. 

People have certain needs when evaluating a product, service or solution. 

Netflix teaches us how to meet customer expectations. Your website information needs to be: 

  • Personalized and Relevant
  • On-Demand
  • Binge-worthy 

Why is this important? Just like Netflix, if a prospect is going to reward your business with their time and money, you need to reward them with a user experience that prioritizes info for their needs. Don’t make them sift through stuff that isn’t relevant to them! Don’t make them schedule a meeting to learn about your solution. They expect the information on-demand. And don’t make your info boring. It needs to be binge-worthy!

50% of US consumers report they’re buying the majority of their items online...so you have to adjust your content and campaign strategy to the needs and interests of your prospect. 

And you need to start adjusting to meet customer expectations right now. 

Don’t wait. 

That 50% number isn’t gonna get smaller. 

Now is your time!

Click play to find out how on this week’s episode of Video Marketing Mastery.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to prioritize your company challenges
  • Why you should consistently test your site speed & optimize it
  • What it takes to create a frictionless customer checkout experience
  • How to leverage technology to make it easier to meet your customer support demand
  • Why to make offerings and promotions relevant to your customer’s interest

Links & Resources

  • Check out the stats on the ThinkWithGoogle Article
  • Let me know you’re listening on Linkedin!
  • Join the WireBuzz Insider Facebook Group here
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here

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