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How to Use Longer Videos to Identify Qualified Prospects (Ep. 85)

by TODD HARTLEY, on May 16, 2017 10:43:00 PM


Contrary to popular belief, short videos aren’t necessarily the best for driving results.

Sure, more people might watch to the end of the video, but holding someone’s attention span for 30 seconds doesn’t necessarily indicate a high level of interest in your message.

Think about it...

Your most valuable prospects are savvy, curious people searching for as much information on your product as they can get. Your ideal customer would be willing to sit through a 4+ minute video, as long as your information is relevant to them, right?

Free Bonus: Discover how to create videos that generate ROI with this free, 5-part video course. Click here for instant access!

So why waste ad dollars on short videos designed to attract the masses? Instead, narrow in on the people that really care about what you have to say in a longer video.

Because the longer you can hold someone’s attention with helpful, compelling video content, the more chances you have to convert them into a customer.

Still feeling a little skeptical? Then you’ll want to listen to this in-depth conversation I had with Marcus Krieg. In this podcast episode, we discuss the benefits of using a longer video, and how to keep your audience engaged until the end!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why longer videos are often more valuable than shorter videos
  • How to use ad retargeting to focus on prospects that are most interested
  • Why we have a historical bias in favor of short videos
  • Why you don’t want to cut out important information to shorten your video content
  • What short businesses videos and appetizers have in common
  • Why relevancy is more important than audience retention
  • How writing video scripts differ from your typical writing
  • How to keep viewers engaged through a long video

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Videos are like meals: if you only give your audience bite-sized video content time and time again, they’ll leave hungry and unsatisfied.


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