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How To Use Video Marketing To Win The White House (Ep. 247)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Aug 13, 2020 2:56:11 PM


This year we are going to see a presidential campaign run like we’ve never seen before. Packed rallies will be out of the question due to COVID19. And maybe I’m wrong but I don’t even think there will be a debate. 

So how are the candidates going to win this election?

With video!

And everything I believe the candidates are going to do can be applied to your business, so pay close attention. 

This week on Video Marketing Mastery, I talk about all the video tactics I apply to my own business and how they will ultimately win the White House. I also bring my friend, former Congressman JD Hayworth, on the show to talk about how video has traditionally been used in campaigns, what will stay the same, and what will change.

This election is going to be a doozy and I think we will see a lot of new video trends that will change the game. So sit back and enjoy my take on how video marketing will win the White House!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why show and tell videos will help get candidate’s points across
  • How texting videos could up the nominees’ games
  • Why there will be rapid distribution of video across platforms
  • When to use video for “crisis management”
  • How to simulate access to prospects to create perceived proximity

Links & Resources

  • Check out the WireBuzz remote sales page to see how we’re using video
  • Get 2020 elections updates from Bloomberg (or the NY Times or whoever)
  • Follow Todd and tell him you’re listening to the podcast on LinkedIn
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here

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