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How To Master Webinars Like A Pro With Brian Mayoral (Ep. 351)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jan 7, 2021 5:31:38 PM

Ep. 351 Thumbnail

Webinars have started to replace live speeches for obvious reasons. And you have to deliver powerful webinars, you have to engage your audience in a human to human way.

So make sure that your webinars are structured right in order to make the biggest impact and retain your audience to the end.

When I create webinars, I make sure to organize it to command my prospects’ attention, promise value forward, and use stories to pull them all the way to the CTA.

It all starts with having the end result in mind. People do not buy things, they buy things that make them feel a certain way. So using storytelling in your webinar and connecting with your audience is super important.

A webinar should be:

  • Simple
  • Easy
  • Fast

In this episode of Video Marketing Mastery I dive deeper into this topic with my friend and Tony Robbins speaker, Brian Mayoral. He explains how to gain trust, connect, and relate with your audience. We also talk about prospect psychology and how to take them on a journey with your webinar. In this episode we’ve got some really valuable knowledge bombs to drop on you so get ready to hit play.

BUT FIRST- grab a pen and take some notes because you are about to majorly up your webinar game. And trust me when I say - it’s going to be something you DEFINITELY need to hear for 2021.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to structure your webinars to close deals
  • Why you should use stories in your webinars
  • How to gain the trust of your audience and create an emotional connection
  • How to command attention and pull them through to the end
  • Why webinars are like a journey and how to organize them

Links & Resources

  • Check out Brian’s Instagram and gain free access to free coaching
  • Tell Todd you heard the podcast on Linkedin
  • Get 20 minutes of free training on remote selling
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here

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