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How To Create Customer Testimonial Stories That Convert (Ep. 303)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Nov 5, 2020 4:34:12 PM

Customer testimonial stories are vital assets for your website. But if you’re doing it wrong, they won’t work.

A “one size fits all” approach to your audience doesn’t work because it doesn’t feel intimate to the buyer. And if you’re putting your brand in the spotlight instead of your customer, you’re going to lose out big time.

Relevancy is key. Your customer testimonials have to be hyper-relevant to the prospect you target. So that means you should have a different video for each type of persona you sell to.

Let me break this down for you:

The stories that are remembered are the ones that have heroes that go through amazing transformations. Why the heck else would Marvel and Star Wars break box offices records with every release? 

So in your customer testimonials, you need a key opinion leader (KOL) or influencer from your client’s company to tell a story about how your product or service transformed their lives. Then you target prospects who are just like the KOL in your video. 

When you put your prospects in the shoes of your heroic client, you can show them how your business can also change their lives. This helps create an emotional connection - because they can relate, in a very personal way. The more they relate with the story, the higher your sales results will be.

On this episode of Video Marketing Mastery I talk with Jordan Herelle, WireBuzz Senior Digital Strategist,  about how to get your client to tell a story that’s hyper relatable, uses the persona you want to attract, and creates an emotional experience for your prospect. We also walk through making the story visually compelling and where it should live on your customer journey page.

If you’re not using customer testimonials on your website, or if you’re not getting the results you want, this episode is for you! Also below are two testimonial story samples that will show you how the same company tells different stories for different types of customers. 

Patient Testimonial Story: Guardant Healthcare


Medical Oncologist Testimonial Story: Guardant Health

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to tell a customer testimonial story the right way
  • Who to target your videos to and why
  • Who the hero of your customer testimonial is
  • Where you should put your testimonial videos
  • How to use different types of footage to visually tell the story

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