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How Sales Rockstars Build Rapport (Ep.308)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Nov 12, 2020 5:45:47 PM

By now, you should know that I’m a total nerd for the sales process.

So is my friend in life and business, Neal Tricarico. Neal is a former Tony Robbins Exec, and is a sales ROCKSTAR.

In this episode, Neal and I nerd out about the importance of building rapport with your prospects. Studies show that 45% of the sale is won through rapport.

Rapport is about building strong, trusting and beneficial relationships. You don’t build rapport, though - you establish it. Of course you can use video to establish a level of connection with your prospects, but really, it’s about the human-to-human relationship.

People do business with people they have relationships with, so you always have to be building relationships. Making friends is the most important part of sales and retention.

Training someone on rapport isn’t teaching them something new. It’s bringing them back to the core of their existence. Rapport establishes a different energy and level of connectedness, and as you master the ability to establish rapport, you will become consciously aware of the moment where you and your prospect are in sync physiologically and intellectually. That’s the turning point of your conversation.

Neal created his “Sales Strengths Identifier” assessment to help you determine, from a metric-driven standpoint, your strengths as an intentional sales leader and what your natural skills are for establishing rapport. You can go to NealTricarico.com and click “Take the Quiz Now!“ to take Neal’s assessment for free.

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • What rapport means to the sales process
  • Why establishing rapport is important
  • How to establish rapport with prospects
  • Where you can do to assess your rapport skills

Links & Resources

  • Visit Neil's website to learn more about him!
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