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Grow Your Business Through Excellent Customer Service (Ep. 256)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Sep 17, 2020 5:05:53 PM

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According to research by PWC, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience (CX). And a Walker study determined that by the end of 2020 CX will overtake price and product as THE key brand differentiator. 

So if customers aren’t basing loyalty on price or product anymore, your brand’s fate relies on your customer service and experience.

I never wanted WireBuzz to be the least expensive video marketing agency. We want to be the BEST agency that also provides the highest level of customer service. Why? Because we’re the kind of people who get fired up when all the details have been properly taken care of...the first time. 

We love it when we have great experiences dining out, traveling, and using a service we love. So, it only makes sense that we’re obsessed with serving others.

Plus, the easiest way to grow your business is to delight your existing customers. You see, a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company's profitability by 75% - Bain & Co. 

And great customer service and customer experience start from the bottom up. 

Think about it...if I order something online, and the person in the warehouse does a sloppy job and my product comes to me damaged - I’m not going to be happy with the service. This in turn affects my entire outlook on the brand I purchased from. 

But if I have a GOOD customer experience - not only will I buy from that brand again, I’m probably going to preach to my friends about them! #AMEN

Now that sounds like a pretty easy way to make money right? Well...yes and no. Because you have to make sure you have your entire team on board.

This week I invite my friend and Hall of Fame speaker, Shep Hyken, on the Toddcast to discuss The Convenience Revolution (which is also the title of his book). He discusses his “Always Be Amazing” approach that he takes with his company and why convenience is the currency of today.

Anytime you interact with the customer or have a touch point, you form an impression. So sit back, take notes and give your customers something to talk about (que Bonnie Raitt).

You might have noticed that we jumped from episode 252 to 256 on the blog...it’s because I’ve started dropping knowledge 7 days a week! You can still find our main episode here weekly, but if you want EVEN MORE fun nuggets head to iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or Spotify.

If you like the show, please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes. You’d really be helping me out!

NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why customer experience will bring in more business
  • How to make sure every customer touchpoint is meaningful
  • Why you should “Always Be Amazing”
  • Ways to reduce friction during the buyer's journey
  • Why convenience is the currency of today

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