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What Google’s Mobile-First Initiative Means for Your Business (Ep. 98)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 28, 2017 1:09:00 AM


Think about the world we lived in 20 years ago.

No Facebook or Twitter.

No stories on Instagram or snaps on Snapchat.

Believe it or not, Google hadn’t even registered their domain name yet.

Now, these digital household names dominate our devices, influence our culture, and drive the ways we stay connected — both personally and professionally.

The ways we communicate and connect with friends, family and brands have evolved more in the last 20 years than ever before in human history. The scary part is it’s only moving faster.

For your business, that means a steady stream of change you’ll have to navigate.

Even as a digital marketer, I’m overwhelmed at times with how quickly things change. But if anything, it’s taught me the value of staying ahead of the curve — always looking a few miles down the road. That way I can guide you with smart insights to help you grow your business.

That’s why these weekly news updates are so important. If you want to invest in the right tools and use them to grow your business, you need to know what’s happening in the world of video marketing.

In this episode, Barry Schwartz joins us to explain what Google’s new mobile-first index means for your business, and how you can prepare your website before they roll it out.

Plus, we’ll talk about everything in video marketing news like Facebook’s new mission statement and how Snapchat and Instagram continue to ride the video trend.

If you like the show, please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes. You’d really be helping me out!


NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why Netflix is introducing a new interactive feature that lets viewers choose what happens next in the show they’re watching
  • Facebook’s new mission statement as they approach 2 billion monthly users
  • How to upload a video as your cover image using Facebook’s new feature
  • How Instagram continues to widen its lead over Snapchat with new features for their 250 million daily users
  • Why Time Warner is investing $100 million in content for Snapchat
  • What Royal Caribbean is doing to attract a younger generation to cruising
  • How Ignite Visibility’s new documentary is tracing the history of SEO
  • What Google’s mobile-first update means for your business and how to prepare for it
  • When to expect Google’s new mobile-first update to roll out
  • How Google’s new Suggested Clips feature uses video to answer "how-to" questions

Links & Resources

Royal Caribbean's video teasing their new SeaSeekers Snapchat dive mask:

SEO: The Movie

  • Barry Schwartz’s article on how to prepare for Google’s mobile-first index rollout
  • Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool
  • Follow Barry Schwartz on Twitter
  • See what a @WireBuzz production looks like by following our crew across the country on Instagram
  • Gain access to our free Video ROI mini-course by signing up here
  • Tweet me @TheToddHartley if you’re a new follower and want to receive a personalized video from yours truly
  • Pitch us a question that we can answer in a future podcast episode

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