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Double Your ROI Using Facebook Video Ads, With Rick Mulready (Ep. 25)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jun 2, 2016 2:06:00 AM


You’ve probably heard...Facebook is going all-in on video.

Brands that use videos on Facebook reach a higher percentage of their audience with each post and drive significantly more engagement than brands that don’t.

And then there’s Facebook ads, which provide amazing targeting options at a surprisingly low cost (if you know what you’re doing).

But how do you put them together? Are Facebook videos ads even effective?

Well, according to Facebook Ad Expert Rick Mulready, the answer is a resounding “yes.” In this episode, Rick shares how to double your ROI using Facebook video ads.

You’ll discover the essential elements of a successful Facebook video ad campaign, from creating the video to targeting the right audience, and even how to use your metrics to make smart optimizations and get better results over time.

You don’t want to miss this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why Facebook is going all-in on video
  • The reason brands are adopting Facebook video so quickly
  • How video helps marketers reach a higher percentage of their Facebook fans
  • What to do when you’re uncomfortable being in front of a camera
  • What makes Facebook an effective ad platform for marketers?
  • Some ad targeting strategies that work really well on Facebook
  • How “Lookalike Audiences” work and why they’re so effective
  • How Facebook videos provide advanced retargeting options to advertisers based on how followers engage with your videos
  • Why choosing “views” as your video ad objective may be short-sighted (and what to choose instead)
  • The importance of clarifying your strategy before you commit to creating a video ad campaign on Facebook
  • How to design a video for Facebook ads
  • How muted, autoplay videos affect your strategy and how to design a video to overcome it
  • The #1 mistake marketers make with Facebook video (and what to do instead)
  • How to use your metrics to optimize a Facebook video ad campaign and get better results over time

[clickToTweet tweet="“Don’t allow your insecurities to limit your ability to engage with people.” @TheToddHartley" quote="“Don’t allow your insecurities to limit your ability to engage with people.” @TheToddHartley"]

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