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The Difference Between Video Production Houses and Video Marketing Agencies (Ep. 38)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Aug 30, 2016 4:37:00 AM


Here’s a secret:

Not all video producers are created equal.

You may not realize this, but video production companies and video marketing agencies offer two very different services.

Most video production companies are in the industry to win an academy award.

They want to make something cinematic and creative, even if it doesn’t make sense in an online context.

While this approach is perfectly fine for a movie theater, it doesn’t work well online, or even on TV anymore (thanks to TiVo).

So unless you have an expert digital marketer on your team that can design a great strategy and knows what to do with your final video, you can’t expect a production company to create a video that will advance your marketing or sales strategy.

It’s just not what they do.

And unfortunately, many businesses don’t realize that there’s a choice.

In fact, I frequently follow up with clients who chose to work with a production company, because I know that 9 out of 10 times, they’re going to need us to fix it.

Now, they’re spending even more money trying to recover their investment, because they didn’t get it done right the first time.  

Find out more about the many differences between video production houses and video marketing agencies in this episode of Video Marketing Mastery.

Get the episode on iTunes: http://apple.co/2bCH7wU

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to add graphics and animations to a Facebook Livestream event with Air:Live Solo, Mevo, and other solutions
  • When Livestreaming is appropriate (and when you need a high-quality video instead)
  • News Update: Facebook users will soon be able to participate in a joint-stream, meaning that two people can hold an interview or conversation remotely, in a single Livestream event
  • Why price isn’t the most important factor in selecting your video production partner (and learn what is)
  • The differences between a video production company and a video marketing agency
  • The 3 phases of video marketing
  • Why setting goals for your video is important when deciding if you need a video production house or a video marketing agency
  • Why promotion is just as important as the strategy and production quality of your video
  • Why video content created to be used online is drastically different from video content created for TV, movies, and commercials
  • How to use viewer watch time to see if your video is working, and how to modify the video to make sure it holds attention
  • How WireBuzz saved a $60,000 video that wasn’t performing

The Case Study Mentioned on the Show

A new client came to us for help after spending $60,000 on a beautiful video that wasn't performing.

Their production house badly missed the mark on strategy, so they were hoping we could breathe some life back into the video and recover some of their investment.

The good news is: we were able to help them improve the video completion rate from 15% to 40%.

That's 267% more people reaching their video's call-to-action.


But unfortunately, we weren't able to completely fix the video, because all the footage and VO had already been captured. We could only do so much after the fact.

And that's the important lesson I want you to take away from this story — if you want your videos to be beautiful and achieve your sales and marketing goals, be sure to choose a video marketing agency, not just video producer.

Links & Resources

  • Make sure you’re ready for your next video production by downloading our free Pre-Production Checklist!
  • If you have a question or pitch for a podcast topic, reach out to us here

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