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9 Killer Content Ideas for Facebook Live Events (Ep. 73)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Apr 4, 2017 10:02:00 PM


Although livestreaming has been around for years, no other application has come close to the success of Facebook Live.

Facebook Live has given everyday social media users the ability to broadcast events in real-time — a power once reserved for major news networks. And now, we’re seeing live video all over our newsfeeds and in the headlines every single day.  

But despite its wide and rapid adoption, many businesses are still intimidated by the idea of “Going Live.” Sharing a message without the promise of editing to polish it up is a big concern for brands that want to look professional to their audience.

The good news is, people don’t expect a high-quality production from a live video; your prospects and fans want human interaction, not perfection.

So if you can be helpful and give them an in-depth look at how your products or services can provide value, then any minor mistakes will quickly be forgiven.

But quality does matter, so to get you started on the right foot, I’m sharing some of the best Facebook Live content ideas out there today. With a solid plan and some quality information, your next livestream is sure to be a success!

Check out this week’s podcast to learn more!

Free Bonus: Discover how to create videos that generate ROI with this free, 5-part video course. Click here for instant access!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to turn Facebook Live into a tool that your target customers can benefit from
  • How to promote a Facebook Live event before you go live
  • What types of content works best on Facebook Live
  • How to design live content for both your front-end and back-end of your sales funnel
  • Why breaking news works so well with Facebook Live
  • How to use challenges to educate prospects
  • The value of giving your audience a behind the scenes look at your business
  • Why you always need to consider digital strategy, even with live video

Links & Resources

  • Now that you’re ready to plan your Facebook Live content, be sure to download our FREE Topic Selection Worksheet to choose a profitable topic for your business
  • If you want to join us for a live strategy consultation, click here to tell me about your business
  • Want to make videos that get results? Sign up for our FREE Video ROI Mini-Course
  • Have you heard any interesting video marketing news that you’d like me to discuss on the topic? Tweet me @TheToddHeartly to let me know

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“Think about how many people actually get to go to your industry’s conferences or social events; only a small percentage can be there in-person.  Give your online audience a chance to participate in by creating a virtual experience for them through Facebook Live.”


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