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How To Attract Your Perfect Customer (Ep. 207)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Jul 2, 2019 2:29:00 AM


When it comes to business, we tend to think more customers the better. But have you ever stopped to think about the quality of your customers?

Quantity is nice, but quality customers make your work easier and more enjoyable. Learning to attract your perfect customer takes effort but the relationship that’s built is priceless.

So how do you find YOUR perfect customer? The secret is describing your ideal customer in great detail — not just demographics, but psychographics as well.

When you do this step, you’re crystallizing the avatar of your perfect customer, which goes a long way towards manifesting them as an actual client. 

I’ll explain in more detail in the podcast.

But that’s not all.

In this week’s episode, we talk with Wendy Hartley and Matthew Welsh (owner of Journeyman) about different strategies for attracting your perfect customers and how to keep your clients happy and satisfied. 

Are you ready to find diamonds in the rough? Then tune into this week’s episode of video marketing mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why defining your perfect customer can lead to a happier and more successful business
  • An example of my perfect customer
  • The importance of long term relationships with clients

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