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The 7 Stages to a Successful Video Project (Ep. 181)

by TODD HARTLEY, on Nov 8, 2018 1:29:00 AM


Did you know there are 7 stages to a successful video project, but most marketers only do 3 of them?

It’s disappointing when your video project doesn’t hit a home run, but it’s even more frustrating when you don’t know why.

So in this episode of Video Marketing Mastery, I’m going to break down each of the 7 stages so that you know the process that WireBuzz uses to create video projects that generate results.

Here are the first two-stages just to whet your appetite ;)

#1- Strategy phase.

This is where you define the end goal for your video — whether that’s making a purchase, getting an email subscriber, or signing up for a webinar.

This is the most important phase because it influences the other 6 stages and allows you to work backward

#2- Web prep phase

This is where you lay out all your website needs.

Do you need a landing page? Does that page need to connect with your CRM? Are you needing a video with an email gate?

All of that needs to be lined out.

But that’s not all, there are 5 more stages to this process. So if you want to know all 7 so that you can have a repeatable process for creating videos that generate results, tune into this episode of Video Marketing Mastery!

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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save).

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why video creators should be excited about BlackMagic’s 4k pocket cinema camera
  • Why Google’s mobile home page is no longer just a search box
  • Why creating your video marketing strategy should happen before production
  • The 3 types of videos every business needs
  • How to create a customer journey page using those 3 videos
  • What your prospects REALLY want from your website and videos
  • The 7 stages to a successful video project

Links & Resources

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