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Think “Audio First” (Pt. 1) - How Music & Sound Can Make or Break Your Videos

by WireBuzz, on Apr 5, 2022 3:46:47 PM

When you watch a commercial or video, what do you hear first: the music, words… or do you even watch with sound at all?

Or maybe, you’ve stopped watching videos altogether, and now primarily listen to podcasts! 

With media consumption habits in a constant state of flux, it’s never been more important to start thinking “audio first” when it comes to your content and video marketing.

In Part 1 of this episode of “Video SMarketing Mastery”, WireBuzz talks about what it means to think “audio first” when it comes to your marketing content - and how the music and sound design of your videos can make or break their success. 

If you’ve been wondering about the impact audio and sound has on marketing and branding, this is the episode for you:


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