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How Medical Brands Can Use the Force to Tell Better Stories

by WireBuzz, on May 4, 2022 10:57:26 AM

Happy Star Wars Day everyone, and May the Fourth be with you! 

We here at WireBuzz love storytelling more than Han loves firing first. So we gathered some of our nerdiest employees to talk about our favorite Star Wars movies and what we can learn from them as digital marketers in the medical space. While you might want nothing but Star Wars, analyzing the characters and narrative devices responsible for the franchise’s success can give useful insight into creating your own compelling stories here on Earth.

Join WireBuzz’s Kasen, Amanda, and Chad as they travel to a galaxy far, far away and discuss the importance of the hero’s journey, how your company can master the force of digital marketing, and some light Jar Jar Binks trash (compactor) talk. Whether you’re an entry-level healthcare marketing padawan or a seasoned life science jedi master, this podcast is sure to have something to help your brand shoot for the stars:



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