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Ep. 416: How to Differentiate your Business when your Competitors Sell the Same thing

by WireBuzz, on Jun 10, 2021 7:55:36 AM

Ep. 416 Thumbnail

Nowadays, there will always be a business selling the same thing as you. 

That’s why it is SO important to differentiate yourself and STAND OUT! In order to be memorable in the eyes of your prospects, you have to understand how you can serve people at a higher level than your competitors. 

Today, our CEO Todd Hartley talks with Wirebuzz’s Creative Strategist Kasen James on how your business can achieve this level of uniqueness. 


Kasen shares that the key things that lead to making you different from your competitors are your team members, the relationship you have with your potential client, and how you actually provide your service to them. Think of it as your business’ personality.

Something Todd reiterates all the time is “People do business with people they like and trust.” And the way to achieve those magic 3 letters (ROI) is by forming a powerful partnership with your clients and creating good synergy with them. 

And where’s the first place people go to find out more about your business?

….you guessed it. YOUR WEBSITE!

You want to make sure that what your clients see on that first page and in your videos is what they get when they have their first meeting with you. Think of it as your brand promise.

Do your research, understand what your customers want and need, and use your website to communicate how you provide on-demand services in a totally different way from your competition. . 

If you need help differentiating your business from your competition and showcasing your personality on your website, WireBuzz is here to help you do that! Just reach out to one of our strategists to book a consultation. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs while telling you how we approach digital marketing differently than any other agency.

If you want easy access to 20 minutes of free learning visit:



And check out Todd’s website where he offers on-demand coaching for remote selling here:




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We're sales and marketing nerds who combine sales psychology with storytelling to produce binge-worthy buying experiences. Learn More →

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