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BOOM! Todd Hartley dazzles at Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery event.

by Sydney Collins, on May 5, 2021 8:00:00 AM


Not many people can say they partnered with Tony Robbins to help people find their way through the current tumultuous business economy. However, our fearless leader rockstar, and WireBuzz CEO, Todd Hartley, can—and he has receipts.



In the experience of a lifetime, Todd took the virtual stage at Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery series last March. The immersive event, which was broadcast to more than 3,000 business owners and entrepreneurs in 72 different countries, focused on thriving despite the changing economic and business climate and featured speakers and business leaders who are at the top of their game. 

If there’s anyone who knows how to pivot to prosper, it’s Todd, who engaged audiences with an energetic, empowering, and humorous presentation about the number-one make-or-break business skill of 2021: selling remotely.

“When a pandemic ripped through the world, I was able to tell everyone on my team that their jobs were safe,” he told the audience. “Thankfully, we already had been teaching our clients how to sell remotely and were drinking our own Kool-Aid. My company grew so quickly we hit the Inc5000 list as one of the fastest-growing privately held businesses in America. We even got to hire five new employees during the pandemic.” 

Todd’s speech was the talk of the event and received glowing feedback from the attendees. In fact, one business owner reached out to Todd to let him know she landed a six-figure deal after implementing his tips! 

Are you interested in learning some of Todd’s selling secrets? You don’t have to wait for the next Tony Robbins event. Sign up for one of his courses. Learn more here.  https://toddhartley.com/


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